Well i saw The Dark Knight preopening night, and than again over the weekend. Good movie, but i thought a little too overhyped. I don't know with all the talk surrounding it as the greatest movie ever made i wanted to see the greatest movie ever made. Don't get me wrong it was a really good movie, but i wouldn't put it up there as one of the greats. Though if you ask my boyfriend and son they completely disagree. Looking forward to catching X Files 2 this weekend. As long as it's more like the show and not like the first one it probably should be good. I've been spending way too much time at the movies apparently, but it's better than staying at home watching bullshit on the tv. Finally mastered the new acoustic record this week. Not sure when we'll put it out, but i think it came out great. Ok back to Batman talk. My son is obbessed with watching those batman lego things on youtube on top of any other superhero lego stop motion film, and i think they are starting to give me nightmares. Couldn't sleep at all last night. Kept waking up thinking i was trapped in a lego world. Pretty fucking freaky. I really need to get out more.
haven't seen The Dark Knight nor Hellboy...plans were put on hold after dropping close to $500 into my car!
a new record....yay! finally,some new, good music!
hmm, TV kind of sucks...although Eureka starts up soon!