Been out of commission for awhile. Had all 4 wisdom teeth taken out 2 weeks ago. That fucking hurt! Painkillers and wonton soup for a week straight. Ironically a great diet though. Finally starting to feel like a person again but now sleep is all fucked up. i should have left the damn things in. Besides that the new Revolver just came out. I was selected as one of the "hot chicks of metal". Pic turned out good, so that made me happy. Working my ass off like usual. Spent last week at the beach, but just wasn't long enough. I really need a damn vacation. Somewhere with no internet or phone service.

I have just had several of my teeth replaced with crowns, but the damn dentist fucked up and put the last three (3) crowns in crooked. So, now I have to have him remove them and reset them properly. What an annoying pain in the mouth. I digress...
Well, I hope that you are feeling better now.
Also, good luck with the new acoustic album. I'm looking forward to hearing your new songs.
Patrick L. Dunne