3 days till my birthday! I love my birthday. I don't really like anyone else's birthday because than i have to show effort, but i like mine. Going to the Pirate and Princess Party at DisneyWorld on Tuesday to celebrate it. I can't wait; it's been since Oct. since i last went to Disney. Way too long for me espesically when i'ts only 20 mins down the road. Well, the video for my metal project Devils Gift is finally done. You can check it out if you want at my myspace page. Very happy with it. It's a nice change to be happy with something. Going to go stand in line tomorrow to try and get my book signed by Anthony Bourdain. It sucks i couldn't get tickets to the reading but hopefully i can grab a pic with him at the signing. I'm going to feel like such a dork. It's weird to ask people for autographs; i envy people who do it with such ease. I usually sound like a bumbling idiot so i never bother. Hell i usually sound like a bumbling idiot when i order a beer at a bar to the point they check my id 3 times to make sure it's not a fake. Well, i need to get back to work. The sooner today is over, the sooner tomorrow is over, and than the sooner the next day is over, and than IT'S MY BIRTHDAY

Word. HHS Class of '00. Miss seeing you 'round town.
Hey! I just browsed through the latest Revolver issue the other day and saw a familiar face. Nicely done