Ok so i know it's been awhile since i made my last post. Sorry about that; i've just been busy trying to catch up with life. Well, nothing too exciting to report. Been working on new music and waiting to hear if i'm going back on the road in a month. I'm pissed off i missed the season premier of Ghost Hunters last night. Had to rehearse playing bass for Vagabond last night, so i didn't get to watch. So still not very happy about that. I think i need to go to Disney World. Kind of in the mood of that's what i need right now. That and a perfect bloody mary. Been watching a lot of movies lately. Ordered Netflix so i can catch up with everything i've missed while on the road. I have seen Pirates of the Caribbean 3 twice already. New favorite movie of all time. I think i need to see it again, but after i jumped off the couch with a sword and ended up busting my knee open i think i'm kind of banned from seeing it again for awhile. Damn that thing called gravity.
This is several days off, but hope you finally got to see the season premiere of Ghost Hunters, or at least the second episode. It rocked!
you are coming to Vegas?