Today is just one of those days that will not end. I think the clock is actually going backwards. I'm so tired. Just a long week. Spending about 8 hours a day on the phone calling radio stations trying to get this new single played. So if you want you can call and station and request it, and if they tell you they don't have than they're lying. I am getting some people interested in supporting this, so at least i'm not doing this for nothing. Just launched a brand new myspace page yesterday. You should definitely check that out if you haven't. Besides business shit i went and saw Korn this week; which, was a fucking incredible show. And last night went and hung out with the Powerman 5000 guys. As you can see this has definitely been a busy week. Plus i have that show on Sunday in Hollywood, FL. God, i need a vacation.
vacation? Disneywold again?
=-> Alecks