Do you ever have a day, so that when you take the net total of good things to bad things, you ought to come out with a pretty fantastic day...but the bad things are so rotten that it doesn't end up that way?
I got my house spotless, much of my computer/writing to-do list done, a good swimming workout, a sweaty shag, a package in the mail from a friend...but I got a call from one of my best friends today that broke my heart. She was crying, and as she told me everything that is going on, I wanted to cry to. She is going through more stress than anyone should ever have to, and I can't do anything but listen--we live too far apart now for me to run to her and hold her until all the scary things are gone.
I hate when I'm helpless like that...she deserves so much more.
In other news, there is actually bare space on my kids' playroom floor. amazing. This is so rare that I had to show you all what I mean.
Still no word from Steven. At this point, I'm not sure what else to do except wait.
Beware_Marc, I promise I'm not ignoring you, commenting on everyone else but you, but yours is more involved...I'll be back later, promise.
And Geri Halliwell rocks my world...somebody tell me how to make an Amazon wishlist so I can put her newest CD on there and cross my fingers that somebody wants to buy my broke self stuff just 'cos I have a sweet ass.
As Kip would say...
"Peace out."
I got my house spotless, much of my computer/writing to-do list done, a good swimming workout, a sweaty shag, a package in the mail from a friend...but I got a call from one of my best friends today that broke my heart. She was crying, and as she told me everything that is going on, I wanted to cry to. She is going through more stress than anyone should ever have to, and I can't do anything but listen--we live too far apart now for me to run to her and hold her until all the scary things are gone.
I hate when I'm helpless like that...she deserves so much more.

In other news, there is actually bare space on my kids' playroom floor. amazing. This is so rare that I had to show you all what I mean.

Still no word from Steven. At this point, I'm not sure what else to do except wait.
Beware_Marc, I promise I'm not ignoring you, commenting on everyone else but you, but yours is more involved...I'll be back later, promise.

And Geri Halliwell rocks my world...somebody tell me how to make an Amazon wishlist so I can put her newest CD on there and cross my fingers that somebody wants to buy my broke self stuff just 'cos I have a sweet ass.

As Kip would say...
"Peace out."
if i had the money i'd get you the cd to pay you back for all the dances you've done for me! but alas i too am broke as hell due to retail therapy dependence getting a little out of control