Okay, fill in the n00b here. I've been trying to keep up with my comments so that I can reply to them right after they're written, so as to be able to respond to them properly. But I've noticed a lot of people just return comments in each other's journals--out of context, but obviously, the respective journal owners know what's up. Shall I join in? Or does it matter either way?
Occasionally, you'll see me get on my soapbox and talk about how terrible it is that we all eat so much processed food, and urge you darlings to eat more whole foods and organics. Since I've started eating in such a manner, I feel much better and my health is good (I suppose the exercise regimen helps as well
But everyone has their guilty pleasures, especially when it comes to food.
For me...
~Shrimp-flavoured ramen noodle soup (made with too little water so the broth is extra salty)
~The stir-fried noodles I get from the local Japanese place...slathered in their "shrimp sauce" (tastes a lot like mayo & ketchup with spices--positively artery-clogging, totally ruins the point of the fresh, clean Japanese style of cooking)
~Denny's cheesecake, covered in fake whipped topping crap and syrupy strawberries
To name a few.
My poppets have a fever, poor loves. They don't have any other symptoms, save for being a little sluggish, so I'm just going to leave them be and be extra gentle to them. I haven't any Tylenol, but I've heard from many sources that as long as they're not uncomfortable and the fever isn't too high that it's best not to give medicine--let the body fight the infection that's causing the fever on it's own. Do you agree, parental SG types? What is "too high"? And can you suggest a way to make the whole thermometer up the arse thing a little more pleasant for the poor kids?
And while I'm getting tired of hearing the same two CDs over and over again, I've got to say, the Wiggles are by far the most pleasant of the kids' shows these days. They're a lot of fun, and the blue-shirted one is damned cute.
Life remains calm. I miss my bestest friend. I wish I could talk to him, but alas...circumstances forbid it. *sigh*
I had my first sobriety challenge and passed it with flying colours. I wasn't able to get into dancing--it's been almost five years since I went to a club and didn't get drunk before I'd hit the dance floor--but with time, I'll regain the confidence I had back when I was underage and couldn't give two shits about drinking. I was there only to lose myself to the music and motion, and I will be there again.
I was reading the SG Hopefuls group and there was a comment in there saying "if you have to ask people whether or not you should be an SG, you shouldn't".
I think I asked you guys whether I should or not...whoops. Ah well, I'll try again later.
Feeling chatty today, obviously--this is a fairly long one.
Here endeth the lesson.
Occasionally, you'll see me get on my soapbox and talk about how terrible it is that we all eat so much processed food, and urge you darlings to eat more whole foods and organics. Since I've started eating in such a manner, I feel much better and my health is good (I suppose the exercise regimen helps as well

But everyone has their guilty pleasures, especially when it comes to food.
For me...
~Shrimp-flavoured ramen noodle soup (made with too little water so the broth is extra salty)
~The stir-fried noodles I get from the local Japanese place...slathered in their "shrimp sauce" (tastes a lot like mayo & ketchup with spices--positively artery-clogging, totally ruins the point of the fresh, clean Japanese style of cooking)
~Denny's cheesecake, covered in fake whipped topping crap and syrupy strawberries
To name a few.
My poppets have a fever, poor loves. They don't have any other symptoms, save for being a little sluggish, so I'm just going to leave them be and be extra gentle to them. I haven't any Tylenol, but I've heard from many sources that as long as they're not uncomfortable and the fever isn't too high that it's best not to give medicine--let the body fight the infection that's causing the fever on it's own. Do you agree, parental SG types? What is "too high"? And can you suggest a way to make the whole thermometer up the arse thing a little more pleasant for the poor kids?

And while I'm getting tired of hearing the same two CDs over and over again, I've got to say, the Wiggles are by far the most pleasant of the kids' shows these days. They're a lot of fun, and the blue-shirted one is damned cute.
Life remains calm. I miss my bestest friend. I wish I could talk to him, but alas...circumstances forbid it. *sigh*
I had my first sobriety challenge and passed it with flying colours. I wasn't able to get into dancing--it's been almost five years since I went to a club and didn't get drunk before I'd hit the dance floor--but with time, I'll regain the confidence I had back when I was underage and couldn't give two shits about drinking. I was there only to lose myself to the music and motion, and I will be there again.
I was reading the SG Hopefuls group and there was a comment in there saying "if you have to ask people whether or not you should be an SG, you shouldn't".

I think I asked you guys whether I should or not...whoops. Ah well, I'll try again later.
Feeling chatty today, obviously--this is a fairly long one.
Here endeth the lesson.
have you actually applies to be an SG? i have & was accepted but still plucking up the courage to do the pics. if i could do a set like olivias i'd be straight in there but full frontal nudity if a must apparently & i have visions of the entire SG community crying out "lord no!put those away girl"
have you actually applies to be an SG? i have & was accepted but still plucking up the courage to do the pics. if i could do a set like olivias i'd be straight in there but full frontal nudity if a must apparently & i have visions of the entire SG community crying out "lord no!put those away girl"