Wow. I have a vocabulary. Big fucking deal. My mom was an English prof & I grew up reading a lot. It makes sense to utilize one's entire vocabulary. Depending on context, saying some thing is bad could mean it's evil, rotten, annoying, insufficent, or any number of other, distinctly different, interpretations. So why not use the most specific word to begin with? This isn't high school, & one's intelligence is not inversely proportional to their coolness or whatever other vague attributes you may judge someone by.

Anyway, I need help! Fast! And this nextpart is shamelessly copied and pasted from another journal for lack of time:I need your help! Since people rarely read (or at least comment in) my journal anymore, I have to slut around other people's journals for help. Of course, since he My SG page format change, I read my friends' journals less than I used to, but i see everyone else gets comments.
*stops to crawl under rock and eat worms*
Any way, I'm going to (well, I'm probably going to - they said I can and they'll pay me 100 bucks to open for their headliner they won't name, 'cause apparently they're better-known than me - which is pretty easy to be, but I think it's probably someone along the lines of the surving members of Molly Hatchet or something like that) play a Theme Time Music Show tomorrow night with the obvous 4th of July Theme.
Anyway, I need ideas for a set of US or Freedom-type songs. check my journal for what I already am planning to do. I generallly play anything from the Baroque period up to the present, from any genre. A slogan I used to toss out at an old band's shows upon rceiving requests or being asked what kinds of songs we did was: "We Suck Equally At All Kinds Of Music." We even printed shirts. Sold two. Gave away about 30.
Thanks in advance!!