Well its a Sunday which means fooooootballllllll! I will admit im a huge patriots fan, from top to bottom, its amazing. Today the rivals, i swore the i would wear something jets everyday for a week, and them there Patriots came through for me.
But in other news, im trying to make some new bod mod choices. Im very tempted to get my nipples pierced, but im very nervous.im cautious more then nervous, im just not sure, im more worried about losing sensation, or them ruining my nipples. Im also getting two new tattoos of cuppiecakes, i cant wait. still deciding colors and such but forsure am getting them.
I dont know why im rambling usually when i blog on my normal blog its very clear and point to point but this one is just a lot of different ramndom thoughts.
webster dictionary defines the word horny as:
Definition of HORNY
1a : of or made of horn b : hard, callous <horny-handed> c : compact and homogeneous with a dull luster used of a mineral
2: having horns
3[horn erect penis + 1-y] a : desiring sexual gratification b : excited sexually
horniness noun
and a good question i saw on Private Parts was do women get horny... the answer. well atleast my answer YES!! Im always ridiculously horny.. i have no idea why or how, i could have sex numerous times and yet its almost never enough. I have a whole toybox, but i need to get something new. im looking for something that will get the job done. after ahile toys start to bore me. its like im always trying to find something new. any thoughts on how to make this easier or thoughts on how to control the situation.
But in other news, im trying to make some new bod mod choices. Im very tempted to get my nipples pierced, but im very nervous.im cautious more then nervous, im just not sure, im more worried about losing sensation, or them ruining my nipples. Im also getting two new tattoos of cuppiecakes, i cant wait. still deciding colors and such but forsure am getting them.
I dont know why im rambling usually when i blog on my normal blog its very clear and point to point but this one is just a lot of different ramndom thoughts.
webster dictionary defines the word horny as:
Definition of HORNY
1a : of or made of horn b : hard, callous <horny-handed> c : compact and homogeneous with a dull luster used of a mineral
2: having horns
3[horn erect penis + 1-y] a : desiring sexual gratification b : excited sexually
horniness noun
and a good question i saw on Private Parts was do women get horny... the answer. well atleast my answer YES!! Im always ridiculously horny.. i have no idea why or how, i could have sex numerous times and yet its almost never enough. I have a whole toybox, but i need to get something new. im looking for something that will get the job done. after ahile toys start to bore me. its like im always trying to find something new. any thoughts on how to make this easier or thoughts on how to control the situation.
breaking the knockoffs are very common you wouldnt be the only person i know of doing it haha
i think the rejection for the hood would be just as common as any other piercing, if anything talk to churtch aboout it next time you are in chat. its what she does for a living
where do you go to get your work done?
I talked to her about the nipples yesterday, shes the one who encouraged it an helped...
well i used to go to a guy at spauldings but he moved so i went to gates in troy and i loved the owner but the piercer is a creeper so i need to find a new place, any suggestions.