It is 2 oclock in the morning, and because i have been out of work for so long, i am not used to this whole go to bed at a normal time thing, and i go back to work in 5 short hours haha.
i was going to be on more and more while i was recovering, but SG folks have changed an awefully lot....
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i was going to be on more and more while i was recovering, but SG folks have changed an awefully lot....
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72 lbs> !!! ZOMG! That's AWESOME! <3 Miss you BTW...
thanks anti!! and miss you too!! yep, i wanna get down some more... my evil step sisters wedding is in october and wine party in november and i wanna look killer in a mini dress!

So its Sunday Morning, again its FOOTBALL time! My ever lovely Patriots are playing Dallas today, so im hoping we have this in the bag, just have to hope the Bills fail agains the Jets, probably the ony time i will ever root for them haha. Right now id be happy not tied with them for first in our division!
Sadly i wont be watching...
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Sadly i wont be watching...
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go to paul, the owner of needlwurks in saratoga. i recommend him to everyone and i wont let anyone else pierce me. hes usually only there during the days now so sometimes its hard to catch him but he is worth waiting for
hmmmmph ill have too look into it... thanks 

Well its a Sunday which means fooooootballllllll! I will admit im a huge patriots fan, from top to bottom, its amazing. Today the rivals, i swore the i would wear something jets everyday for a week, and them there Patriots came through for me.
But in other news, im trying to make some new bod mod choices. Im very tempted to get my nipples pierced,...
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But in other news, im trying to make some new bod mod choices. Im very tempted to get my nipples pierced,...
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im a giants fan but that doesnt mean i always root for them, i think they are garbage with eli as QB
breaking the knockoffs are very common you wouldnt be the only person i know of doing it haha
i think the rejection for the hood would be just as common as any other piercing, if anything talk to churtch aboout it next time you are in chat. its what she does for a living
where do you go to get your work done?
breaking the knockoffs are very common you wouldnt be the only person i know of doing it haha
i think the rejection for the hood would be just as common as any other piercing, if anything talk to churtch aboout it next time you are in chat. its what she does for a living
where do you go to get your work done?
Well i <3 the giants today beatin them bills, hell yea!!
I talked to her about the nipples yesterday, shes the one who encouraged it an helped...
well i used to go to a guy at spauldings but he moved so i went to gates in troy and i loved the owner but the piercer is a creeper so i need to find a new place, any suggestions.
I talked to her about the nipples yesterday, shes the one who encouraged it an helped...
well i used to go to a guy at spauldings but he moved so i went to gates in troy and i loved the owner but the piercer is a creeper so i need to find a new place, any suggestions.
So here i am sitting at a friends house watching them play baseball on xbox. Guys take thier videogames so seriously i notice. If it not in your face or what the fuck or thats bullshit they get so angry and aggressive. I dont ever see girls who get this way, and i love video games dont get me wrong but it gets me thinking,...
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