Ugh...I have a huge essay to write comparing and contrasting the populists and the progressives in the period of 1877-1920 in American history. Its interesting, but Id rather sit on my ass and watch futurama this weekend. Ya'know???
More Blogs
Wednesday Sep 19, 2007
why do so many people make fun of me for liking star trek? what the f… -
Wednesday Sep 21, 2005
why do som many people make fun of those that like star trek? What th… -
Sunday Jan 23, 2005
I am crushing so hard on fenchurch today. Her set was so fucking ador… -
Tuesday Aug 17, 2004
I have returned. Commence the festivities. S.F. is fantastic and th… -
Monday May 10, 2004
It is hard not eating cheese. Especially good cheese- with wine and … -
Monday May 03, 2004
Whew... I am done with finals. That was a tough two weeks! I'm movi… -
Wednesday Apr 28, 2004
Finals are over in just a mere two days. For all of my friends that I… -
Saturday Apr 03, 2004
Finals!!! ARGHHH!!! Its almost over though. Got a new place Im movin … -
Thursday Apr 01, 2004
For any and all who are interested, I have started a new group called… -
Thursday Mar 25, 2004
She called me dumb... but I proved her. Mwwahahahaha!!!!
?Que' pasa?
You've got some good stuff in you profile too! Any American that likes Northern Exposure has to be ok
Have you read Don Quixote in espanol? It's my life goal to read it in Classical Spanish one day...
My spanish was a lot better awhile ago, but I confused the hell out a bunch of people last time I was in Mexico and Cuba. They couldn't understand my broken Spanish with a Iberian accent very well. All the thhhhh for "ce" instead of sssss. Que fuerte!
Oh, and how about we start a petition to get Scarlett Johanssen on SG?