Hello SG!
I really should post more often.
Tell me about your day? WHat did you like about it? Was there something that happened that, later, you were thankful that it happened?
That happened to me twice today. Two girls have no clue how much they helped brighten my day. All they did is hang out with me throughout the day at separate times. When you sit back and really see who and what is around you, its an awesome effect. I saw two angels who, perhaps without knowing it, hung out with lonely old me. We had some good laughs, smoked some hookah and had some nice conversation. No strings attached. No hidden emotions. just Humans enjoying the company of another.
Made me smile.
Allison and Jessie... you two are amazing.
I really should post more often.
Tell me about your day? WHat did you like about it? Was there something that happened that, later, you were thankful that it happened?
That happened to me twice today. Two girls have no clue how much they helped brighten my day. All they did is hang out with me throughout the day at separate times. When you sit back and really see who and what is around you, its an awesome effect. I saw two angels who, perhaps without knowing it, hung out with lonely old me. We had some good laughs, smoked some hookah and had some nice conversation. No strings attached. No hidden emotions. just Humans enjoying the company of another.
Made me smile.
Allison and Jessie... you two are amazing.