Okay, Instead of Mallorca we've decided to spend some time in Rodellarits baller no doubt, but today, we woke up to devastation. RAINMORE RAIN. Honestly this is the most rain yet and it was in-12-hours-time. WHY??!!!! The cliffs are hanging tough though, most are staying PRRRETTY dry, except for any tufa near the top and the nice grey top-outs are screwed. I wish I didn't care so much about conditions and the climber's mentality of humidity, and all of the other elements. But you know what? When you start a hard route with your hands wet, and water dripping off of your elbowsthat's getto
So I have got my game on I think by now. I completed a dope 8b called Gladiator in 2 goes yesterday, I should have flashed it. My boy Dario (from Italy) was giving me the proper spray, but once again I failed on the flash. This time, I wasn't even really bothered. I had a good time trying my ass off.Word. Then flashed/onsighted an 8a just to the left"El Sepes"? Something like that. We have been going 3 days on and trying hard as HELL all dayits so rad how light it stays here too10pm you still got enough light for a last burnno joke.
The rain is pretty depressing sometimes. Especially because we got rid of our Rental Carthat Lame-ass-Europcar charged us like 600+ dollars for 8 days. Screw Europcar!!! We are car-less now. We are stuck here and have NO way of leaving. I couldn't even call my MOM on Mother's day!!!! GOOD CHRIST!!!
I am psyched to be here though, rain or notthis is one of the BEST climbing areas ever and a little rain won't kill us, only make us rest and so we can KILL rocks.ya heard?!!
Wow!! you're a spider that fly around de rocks!!