Oh you would laugh if you could see me now, confined to my house with a splitting headache and a huge golf-ball eye which won't open properly. I look like I've been in a very bad fight, my face is all red and swollen and bruised. Apparently the reason my head has felt like it's going to explode for the last few days is due to sinusitis, which I always thought was something that made you sneeze slightly more than usual but is in fact horrendous pain and a swollen face. On Monday I came home because I'd been feeling so shitty and yesterday morning, after no sleep, my mother took me to the hospital at 7am where they gave me antibiotics and super-strong painkillers. Last night I got the best night's sleep I've had in a long time due to the fact I was so doped up, and that was without resorting to sleeping until 4pm. It feels fucking wonderful, I'd almost forgotten about the wonder of the morning. Ahhhh.
Hopefully I will be better before this ruins any plans. I am going to have to ask for an extension on my essays which are due in on Monday because I can't sit at the computer long enough to get any work done. Being ill is boring, make me better please.
Hopefully I will be better before this ruins any plans. I am going to have to ask for an extension on my essays which are due in on Monday because I can't sit at the computer long enough to get any work done. Being ill is boring, make me better please.
Well you'll live. Excuse the insensitivity but I gotta say you're really cute.

i hope your feeling better now, ive not heard of that virus before x