Ah, the winds of change are blowing again...
I don't know about you kittens but fall is my favorite time of year. I love the feeling of crisp air and cool breezes.
Fall means sweaters and bonfires and hot toddy's.
It means my favorite holidays are just around the corner...I am trying to decide what to be this year for Halloween. Last year I was Poison Ivy 😻
What is your favorite time of year?
Fall is also when I will *hopefully* be shooting my debut set. The one I shot last year was pretty but it doesn't feel like me anymore...it's crazy how much a year can change a person.
I feel like I've become so much more confident and self assured since last year. I'm sure some of that is losing weight and feeling sexy again, my new job, and my sexy husband.
The girl in these pictures is here to stay. She's on fire. She knows she's a badass.
She embraces her curves and her body.
She loves fiercely...
and she wishes you enough...
lemon 🍋