What did I do today? (at work)
- opened a micro-lending account on Kiva, made my first micro-loan to a 19 year old guy in Peru who runs an animal feed selling business
- completed some Urgent Evoke missions - it's a cool web game developed to help people change the world - it's almost over
- finished reading one of Joe Navarro's books on body language
- listened to some of a John La Valle seminar, the new Caribou album
- played a bit of online poker
- tried to get some stuff done re: my trip to Europe / going back to school
- set up my Twitter account so that I'll receive Whuffie - an artificial currency based on social status / helping people
- made a couple postings / template changes to my Tumblr blogs (the only one worth following right now is mobilisinmobili.tumblr.com )
That's about it.
- opened a micro-lending account on Kiva, made my first micro-loan to a 19 year old guy in Peru who runs an animal feed selling business
- completed some Urgent Evoke missions - it's a cool web game developed to help people change the world - it's almost over
- finished reading one of Joe Navarro's books on body language
- listened to some of a John La Valle seminar, the new Caribou album
- played a bit of online poker
- tried to get some stuff done re: my trip to Europe / going back to school
- set up my Twitter account so that I'll receive Whuffie - an artificial currency based on social status / helping people
- made a couple postings / template changes to my Tumblr blogs (the only one worth following right now is mobilisinmobili.tumblr.com )
That's about it.
When did you say you were swinging by again? There are a lot of SGUK people who live in/near London, so if you're ever about for a drink then stick up a thread.