Suicide Girls is community full of beautiful, interesting, creative models. My hat is off to you ladies. By and large, you're doing exceptional work. And once again, I want to thank each of you for sharing images of your confident, proud, beautiful nude bodies.
But as a SG subscriber, there are two more things I'd really like to see...
1.) Beautiful, interesting creative Photography. Occasionally I get to see someone approaching the pinup girl genre in a new and interesting way, but not nearly often enough. Photography should be about capturing light. Not about what's being lit. So let's get creative with the light. How about a set shot on actual Poloroids? How about a set shot though only a macro lens? How about a set where everything is out of focus? How about a set shot from 30 feet away (or 10 meters for you ladies outside the US)? How about a set shot with a disposable camera? Or the camera in your monitor? Or a toy camera? Or a pin hole camera? How about a set created with a desktop scanner instead of a camera? Which all leads me to my #2...
2.) After 20+, amazing, wonderful years of SG, maybe it's time to throw out "The Formula". I'm talking to you, Missy. Maybe it's time to let the girls, and the photographers, do whatever they want. Let's make ART, instead of predictable, sequential photos of girls taking their clothes off. Let's tell stories. Let's shock. And surprise. And inspire. Let's push the boundaries of what pinup art can be.
Or not. Maybe I'm just a grumpy old man who sees opportunity for greatness where there really isn't any...