I'm thinking that I should have been more creative though, instead of just reverting back to my maiden name. I wish I could be called SheRa Princess of Power.
Chemical Brothers, friday night, very good but got poked in the eye by some dippy bird trying to make her 11th trip to the toilet. Missed the last half hour of the show trying to rinse out my eye. Feeling better now.
I have just had the weirdest week. Trying to book surfboard simulators and kareoke for the summer party - it doesn't seem like work, but it is. I'm having so much fun though. Oh, and I learnt how to make a graph in Excel, which may not be such a big thing to other people, but it's huge to me because I've always feared spreadsheets.... Read More
Today I planned the office summer party. I made tickets, posters, booked the venue, and tomorrow I am sorting music and food. I am very excited as it is my first formal event organising.
At lunchtime I went for a walk around Victoria Park again. I saw baby rabbits, a big duck, a showy peacock and the tiniest baby guinea pig.