This is going to sound really ageist. but.
Tonight on my way home from work (tired, grumpy, feet aching from cute, but painful shoes) waiting at the bus stop. It's just gone five o'clock, it's rush hour. The bus arrives, and I get pushed out of the way by a couple of old women. Now they have all day to shop, so why do they chose to get on this particular bus. Why do they do their supermarket shop on a Saturday? STOP THE MADNESS.
Otherwise a relatively uneventful day. I had my breakfast in a very sunny Victoria Park. It used to be my best friends sad place when she fought with her boyfriend, but I'm turning it into my chill out zone. It also has an avairy, which is really cool, though I do feel like staging a break out for all the little birds. Not the peacocks though, they are far too big and scary and would probably peck me on the bum!
I've also been accepted on the first aid and fire course at work - I'm Ms Responsibility at the moment. Oh, and I've sorted out a deed poll to go back to my maiden name!
Tonight on my way home from work (tired, grumpy, feet aching from cute, but painful shoes) waiting at the bus stop. It's just gone five o'clock, it's rush hour. The bus arrives, and I get pushed out of the way by a couple of old women. Now they have all day to shop, so why do they chose to get on this particular bus. Why do they do their supermarket shop on a Saturday? STOP THE MADNESS.
Otherwise a relatively uneventful day. I had my breakfast in a very sunny Victoria Park. It used to be my best friends sad place when she fought with her boyfriend, but I'm turning it into my chill out zone. It also has an avairy, which is really cool, though I do feel like staging a break out for all the little birds. Not the peacocks though, they are far too big and scary and would probably peck me on the bum!
I've also been accepted on the first aid and fire course at work - I'm Ms Responsibility at the moment. Oh, and I've sorted out a deed poll to go back to my maiden name!