Sorry I haven't updated for a while - work has been so hectic! Hectic but fun, well for work anyway!
I went on my first work piss up last night. I drank a sneaky coke every other round, just so I could sit back and observe my collegues at their best and worst. I still feel like shit this morning, but I think it is just tiredness and a euculyptus bath will soon sort out my tired old bod.
We ended up in this rock club at the back end of Southsea. I must be getting old, or just plain cynical, but everyone seemed to look the same. Upstairs was Indie and everyone was wearing blazers, stripy scarves, massive fringes and converse all stars, and downstairs was Metal, and everyone was wearing huge black baggy jeans, big black boots and fishnet. Is there a dress code to these venues now? Do you have to look a certain way to fit in? Poncing around saying "I'm so alternative, noone understands me", when clearly around 300 other people do. Surely being alternative is just that, being different. Fuck it, I like my pretty dresses and cute shoes and handbags - I'm me, and I know that it made some of them uncomfortable last night and I got shot some looks, but hey, fuck it!
Rant over. But that did feel really good. I am not mocking the alternative community, I love it. But I do get upset when people treat you differently because you refuse to wear a uniform.
It's Saturday today, so I'm off to do the coupley thing of B&Q this morning (US: DIY store) start to clear the crap from the master bedroom and give it a nice lick of paint. Rock and roll.
Hope everyone is well!
I went on my first work piss up last night. I drank a sneaky coke every other round, just so I could sit back and observe my collegues at their best and worst. I still feel like shit this morning, but I think it is just tiredness and a euculyptus bath will soon sort out my tired old bod.
We ended up in this rock club at the back end of Southsea. I must be getting old, or just plain cynical, but everyone seemed to look the same. Upstairs was Indie and everyone was wearing blazers, stripy scarves, massive fringes and converse all stars, and downstairs was Metal, and everyone was wearing huge black baggy jeans, big black boots and fishnet. Is there a dress code to these venues now? Do you have to look a certain way to fit in? Poncing around saying "I'm so alternative, noone understands me", when clearly around 300 other people do. Surely being alternative is just that, being different. Fuck it, I like my pretty dresses and cute shoes and handbags - I'm me, and I know that it made some of them uncomfortable last night and I got shot some looks, but hey, fuck it!
Rant over. But that did feel really good. I am not mocking the alternative community, I love it. But I do get upset when people treat you differently because you refuse to wear a uniform.
It's Saturday today, so I'm off to do the coupley thing of B&Q this morning (US: DIY store) start to clear the crap from the master bedroom and give it a nice lick of paint. Rock and roll.
Hope everyone is well!

Have fun painting!