I love Halloween. I love to dress up. If only everybody on this planet loves Halloween as much as I do... It sucks when I hear people say that they are too old to dress up and go ding dong on that special day. Nobody's too old for Halloween. It's not because you're 80 years old or whatever your age is that you can't no longer have some fun on that day. Yesterday at work, I asked the girls I work with if they'll do something on Halloween and guess what they answered me? "Well, I'm not gonna do anything tonight... Halloween used to be fun when I was younger but now I'm no longer a kid, so dressing up and all of that is not something I do anymore". Why? Why? Why? I just don't get it! Why do people believe that dressing up for Halloween is only for children? Anyway, I'm 19 and I still love to dress up... And talking about dressing up, this year I chose to be a princess on crack... Well, I first wanted to be a princess but then I realized that the dress I made was too woo woo for a princess, so I decided to be a princess on crack, then the way I did my hair was bugging me, so at the end of the day I was a whore/princess....
Here are some pix (they aren't clear cuz the digital camera I used sucked):
(when I was at home)

(when I was @ home)

Another Lemon-esque Quebec member? And I thought I was the only one.