First things first - thank you to everyone who has left love on my new set Lionheart! Some of your comments were so kind, I screenshotted them to save to the “happy” folder on my phone 😅 (does anyone else have this? a folder full of your fave memes and cute cow images to look through when you’re sad?)
Second - I’ve just realized I never officially announced MY UPCOMING SET ! ! ! I shot it over the summer, and it will be live here on SG in just about a month. I am truly in love with this set - I think it’s super playful, warm, and basically just shows a ton of my personality 💖
Shot by my dear friend ALICIA SIXTOS, this set took some serious dedication - we both fully quarantined (did not leave our houses AT ALL) for a full two weeks in order to safely get together and shoot.
The set is called The Brat - you’ll see why once it comes out 😉 Howeveeeer it was very nearly called “Pancakes, Pancakes, Pancakes” because I was starving the entire time we shot - I literally could not think of anything but pancakes 😂 (and yes - I DID eat a stack of pancakes the SECOND we wrapped!)
We’re coming up on a year since I shot my first set for SG, and it’s wild to think back on how much I’ve already learned! Modeling is so much harder than I think anyone realizes until they’ve tried it - there really is so much skill, talent and dedication involved! That being said, it’s so satisfying to see how much I’ve grown, and I can’t wait to continue improving in 2021!!
xoxoxoxo, 🍋