Did you grow up in a small or big town? Did you like it?
I'm from a small town on Long Island! It had its perks, like never being more than 10mins from a beach, but it's definitely not for me - I like the diversity & open-mindedness of the people in a big city!
What's your idea of a perfect date?
A picnic in the woods, some amazing sandwiches, hazy sunshine and sweet cuddles π
If you could have any pet in the world, illegal or not, what would you get?
Maybe an elephant? Maybe a sea turtle? But most likely just a whoooole bunch of dogs
What's your most favorite part of your body?
I love my legs!! I'm 5'11" with legs for weeks :)
If you had to move to another country, where would you move?
I'd love to live in a chateau in the south of France, picking flowers and eating freshly baked bread every day! That's realistic right?
What eye color do you find sexiest?
Hmmm gotta say I'm most often into people with dark brown eyes. I like a little danger & mystery ;)
Coolest thing you've ever been for Halloween?
Last year I was a dead ballerina! Basically just a tutu and lots of fake blood, but it was so fun for me!
Are you more of a city or nature person?
City! I love a brief foray into nature, but I need that city hustle and bustle.
Describe your dream romantic partner.
Confident, intelligent, with a dark sense of humor! I like a partner who makes me feel safe & protected. Plus physical chemistry is a must!
Post 5 awesome fun facts about yourself. Brag away!
-I've been shark diving twice!
-I was a competitive fencer when I was a kid
-I used to work as a celebrity stylist
-I'm OBSESSED with Buffy and have seen every episode at least 5 times
-I'm on Instagram at @naughty.bambi !! (Shameless plug)