1) Introduce yourself:
Hi!! I’m Lemon, brand-spanking-new Social Media Team Manager here at SuicideGirls! I’m a writer, reader, and internet lover. My passions include getting way too dressed up for everyday occasions, listening to Broadway soundtracks on repeat, and peanut butter & jelly sandwiches. I dream of one day retiring to a cottage in a magical wood and keeping a bunch of goats as pets.
2) Now that we've met, tell us about one hobby that really interests you:
I’m an avid vintage collector - if I could spend all my time digging through piles of vintage clothes, I’d be in heaven.
3) Switching topics; Space travel or time travel?
Time travel!!! I am deeply afraid of space
4) You're obviously making men/women swoon everywhere you go, but tell us what your true power is to winning over a lover (or fans)?
I’m very direct when I’m into someone, and that’s always worked in my favor. But more generally speaking, I think the key to winning someone over is just to be kind and to listen.
5) What turns you on about your current partner or would flip the love switch on if you were looking?
Confidence! It doesn’t matter what you look like, nothing is sexier than confidence.
6) So, are you looking for a partner?
7) We're going to go Salt-N-Pepa here, so let's talk about sex, baby. Are you a wild child or more traditionally romantic?
I’m a wild child at heart, but I have my romantic moments.
9) Beer or wine?
I’m not a big drinker but when I drink, it’s always red wine (yes I am the girl holding a full wine glass on the dance floor, no I’m not sorry about it)
10) Breakfast for dinner or dinner for breakfast?
Breakfast for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert!!
11) Sex playlist:
The entire soundtrack to Queen of the Damned. Is that weird?
12) Slow dance or twerk?
I can’t do either - but that doesn’t mean I won’t emphatically try to do both!
13) How often do you find yourself smiling each day?
Very often. I have Resting Scared Face so if I’m not frequently smiling people will constantly ask me if I’m okay / if they should call the police.
14) Tell us about a not so hidden talent (ex: singing, dancing, grafitti art, looking amazing, etc):
I was a celebrity stylist for years, so I am an EXCELLENT shopping partner! You’ll love everything I pick out for you. Guaranteed.
15) It's karaoke night. What's your go to song?
You Were Meant For Me by Jewel / You Oughta Know by Alanis Morissette (depends on my mood)
16) Favorite color combination:
Pink & red! I love any combination of sweet and sultry.
17) Name a photographer (on SG) that is on point this year and only making their way up:
I’m obsessed with @fishball
18) Close your eyes and name the first model that comes into view:
@jessicalou and @dollyd make me want to dye my hair pink like, yesterday
19) Worst scar (emotional or physical) if it's not too upsetting to discuss?
I have a four inch scar on my leg from when a table saw fell on my leg as a kid! It’s pretty badass.
20) Favorite tattoo of yours?
My Buffy tattoo! Buffy is everything.
21) You are an inspiration to members, models, and photographers alike. You give more to your community than you realize. What is one thing you would say to someone that aspires to reach as high as you in their life?
Know your worth! Don’t keep anyone in your life who can’t see how special you are. Also, go to therapy. Everyone should go to therapy.
22) Biggest weakness?
My stubbornness. I am the definition of a Taurus.
23) Biggest strength?
My resilience. And also kind of my stubbornness!
24) Soft or bruised lips? Are you a gentle kisser or intensely passionate enough to draw a little blood?
There’s a time and place for both!!! (but bruised though)
25) Tag at least 5 people you think should take this questionnaire:
I haven't met enough people just yet - so thank you @teal for giving me this quiz!!