Well things are good with me, I have been feeling much better! I started in a charity shop on Monday which I love, it's something to do while I look for a job and I know it's going to make me feel good doing something for someone else. The people there seem lovely and i'll get dibs on all the awesome stuff

I also went to a gig on Friday and it was fucking awesome, I know everyone who reads my blogs will know I talk about them alot but I really love the king blues and they put on hell of a show! I danced like flat out for an hour, I was dripping with sweat! It was gross but totally worth it haha I had so much fun there and would love to do it all over again! I was right at the front and managed to get some awesome pics of them. So now i'll stop boring you with my talk about how awesome the king blues are and show you some of the pics I took

I went into this tattoo shop the other day to ask about how they thought they best way to train up as a piercer and she said for me to call back in about two weeks for her to get some info for me. So fingers crossed it'll be useful! I don't think people understand how much I wanna learn, I would happily work for free! That would suck balls but be worth it in the end.
I don't know whats going on with me and my partner, we had a huge fight this weekend just gone and he broke up with me. Then he was all upset and wants to make things work, I just don't know what to think or feel anymore. I think I should give it another go and if it doesn't work then it's better to know than wonder if it could of, am I making sense?
I am meeting up with Padam tomorrow which i'm all excited for as we might be doing another shoot Happy Laura! haha I have been dying to do something but am also really wanting to do a outdoors shoot, there isn't that many great places here that I could get butt naked in. Most of the cool places here people go walking in and shit so I need to find somewhere awesome that not many people know of! Hmm could just go for a long walk one day and try to find somewhere myself, it wouldn't be so bad if I had a car! I now need to get all my stuff ready
also we shall be going to our local family planning centre, I have to get this implant out!!! When I first got it put in I thought it was the best form of contraception but after having it for so long I hate it! I can't wait to get rid of it and feel fucking normal again! So wish me luck
and heres some random pics from sat night!
I love my friends. aren't we just a beautiful bunch
"It is better to be hated for who we are than to be loved for who we aren't."
Love you all
Lemo xxx