I seem to have a strange problem. People keep ringing my door bell late at night and telling me my cat wants to come in. But its my cat fault. The little bugger sits outside the front door meowing at passers. Trouble is, he cant actually meow properly, he just makes a sort of ack noise. Ive got an intercom door entry thing and I once answered it to find a less than bright sounding girl telling me Your cats lost his meow. I think theres something wrong with him. Jesus. And tonight a pissed up bloke told me he rang my door bell because he didnt want my cat to get run over.
Hes my bloody cat! Surely Im allowed to put him out when ever I want? Especially if I want to avoid a shitting in the flat scenario. And its not like hes abused. Im typing this on the floor right now because the buggers got the good seat. If he shits in the bath again tonight because he came in early Im going to be really pissed off.

Hes my bloody cat! Surely Im allowed to put him out when ever I want? Especially if I want to avoid a shitting in the flat scenario. And its not like hes abused. Im typing this on the floor right now because the buggers got the good seat. If he shits in the bath again tonight because he came in early Im going to be really pissed off.
sorry, however lame it might sound and for a variety of reasons;
it being a pretty small industry,
an amount of what i do being protected by NDA's (non disclosure agreements)
a wish to talk about other things (my 'real' life is surrounded by people who do similar work)
etc etc.
I choose on here to remain fairly anonymous
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[Edited on Jul 09, 2005 2:42PM]