A couple of days ago I gave this random girl home from the grocery store. She was getting food for her baby... I'm not sure what states have a WIC program... I guess she didnt realize there was going to be so many groceries, it was raining and she clrealy needed a ride. No cash for a jitney when you've got diapers to buy. We loaded my car in the rain and took a 2 minute drive that woulda taken her 45 minutes. (Hurray for Pittsburgh hills. ) She thanked me as I helped her to the stoop. As soon as I got back to my car stomach pains ensued . They didn't stop for a full day. I was curled in bed Tuesday.
Yesterday I refused to lay in bed so I made two knit hats, Stripped & sanded a little once white chair and a bread box with my friend Dave. We mixed a batch of liquid and applied paper machete to our projects. I also dabbled with wood burning the inside of my breadbox. Pretty cool so far. I just can't wait unti it's dry and I can paint them...
Yesterday I refused to lay in bed so I made two knit hats, Stripped & sanded a little once white chair and a bread box with my friend Dave. We mixed a batch of liquid and applied paper machete to our projects. I also dabbled with wood burning the inside of my breadbox. Pretty cool so far. I just can't wait unti it's dry and I can paint them...

Hurrah for random acts of kindness....
No good deed goes unpunished LOL.