My ooo face. I'm going to put up pictures for moi to remember how long it took to grow my hair. This the first of many...
...Iso give me 2 months 'til I cut it. Any other time I would be in agreement. I'm determine, and an extremist. So, I figure since I cut my hair, on average over the last 10 years about every few weeks that's roughly... 250 cuts in 10 yrs. To me, that sounds right. That being said in the next 10 years I'm hoping to only get cut 25 x. That's a little more than a couple times a year. Who else has this problem? I have to plan hair cuts (or not to cut) years in advance just because I'm addicted to it. I'm a sad, sad lady.
Been catching up - your hair montage was hilarious. Hmm, since I shave my head - does that count as many cuts a week, or never? LOL.
Did your sister paint that? if so, she seems talented, though i'm not sure what meaning I'd give that painting. Sucks to see thsoe we love in pain.
Not sure how hard those hats are to find - I can see if Laura remembers where she got ours. The kids are custom with their names on them. They might be from a mall kiosk? She also gets stockings with embroidered scenes and the kid's names, so maybe there.
Anyway sent her a text.
Oops - just got a reply - different places over the years. Sry!
Did your sister paint that? if so, she seems talented, though i'm not sure what meaning I'd give that painting. Sucks to see thsoe we love in pain.
Not sure how hard those hats are to find - I can see if Laura remembers where she got ours. The kids are custom with their names on them. They might be from a mall kiosk? She also gets stockings with embroidered scenes and the kid's names, so maybe there.
Anyway sent her a text.
Oops - just got a reply - different places over the years. Sry!
You guys are even worse off kids names wise than we are. Quinn? Kensie (NOT McKenzie)? OK, so Max is pretty easy.
Still, isn't it reassuring knowing now what he'll resent you for later? Keeps the tension off.