Oh man, I'm depressed again. How fun for ya'll to read about, I know; but this is my only forum.
I just got back from this club thingie. It was cool; nice people. But I soon realized how lame I am. Folks kept asking me what I was up too and I was like "nothing". Cause it's true. I mean, my personal life is great, goddamned wonderful, but one does not tend to make smalltalk about that sort of thing. No one wants to know how cute and awesome my boyfriend is. So otherwise, I have nothing cool to talk about. My job is super-dooper stupid, so I don't want to talk about it. Basically, I feel inferior to most of the people I come across. I feel that since I'm poor and cannot actually afford school now and must work the awful job to save for school, that I have nothing going on. I just feel so ordinary, while knowing that I have the potential to be extroidinary. I'm just too smart to be working the type of job I'm at and it's killing me slowly. JP says I expect too much from a job and I guess he's right. I'm just too much of a naive idealistic girl sometimes.
I just got back from this club thingie. It was cool; nice people. But I soon realized how lame I am. Folks kept asking me what I was up too and I was like "nothing". Cause it's true. I mean, my personal life is great, goddamned wonderful, but one does not tend to make smalltalk about that sort of thing. No one wants to know how cute and awesome my boyfriend is. So otherwise, I have nothing cool to talk about. My job is super-dooper stupid, so I don't want to talk about it. Basically, I feel inferior to most of the people I come across. I feel that since I'm poor and cannot actually afford school now and must work the awful job to save for school, that I have nothing going on. I just feel so ordinary, while knowing that I have the potential to be extroidinary. I'm just too smart to be working the type of job I'm at and it's killing me slowly. JP says I expect too much from a job and I guess he's right. I'm just too much of a naive idealistic girl sometimes.

I know what you mean, I am tryin to get through chef school but its hard when you have no job at all, just unemployment. But you appreciate things more if you work for them. what club thinige did you go to? And what do you do for fun?
You do look a lot like this chick I used to date though