Seems that my new job is starting "sometime" and not on Oct. 1. What? My boss said they're not finished coordinating and can't give me a date. So I'm fucked for money now, and can't really make any plans cause I don't know when training starts. I'm happy I got this job, cause I like tutoring and it pays a living wage. I just need to know when it starts. I mean, the Metros may(keeping fingers crossed) get into the playoffs, and then I have to work those games, which may conflict with new job. As my mom says "Hurry up and wait". I'm totally doing that.
No more negativity now. Must be calm.
DC vs. NY tonight at 7:30 (airs on ESPN2 tonight at 1 am pre-empted) I'm working for them tonight. Big whoopie.
No more negativity now. Must be calm.

DC vs. NY tonight at 7:30 (airs on ESPN2 tonight at 1 am pre-empted) I'm working for them tonight. Big whoopie.

thanks for the comment... my family certainly has it's moments, and last night was one of the many. i know for a fact that my aunt, alone, will serve as an excellent "comic relief" character in my memoirs and could, potentially, actually support a spinoff series...