Anyone have Chronic Fatigue Syndrom/Epstein-Barr Virus? I do, and have had it for years, but it's really getting to me lately. I have no energy and just want to sleep a lot. Of course, the sleep doesn't help. Any suggestions on how to deal with this lame-ass disease would be great.

Living here is not all that great, it's friggin' Bland Rapids, Michigan. It may be cheaper cost of living, but there ain't shit to do.
But yea, this new place is a two bedroom, over 1000 square feet, not in the "hood", and like $630 a month. So split between 2 people, only $315. AND (!), we may get this discount of $100 off for the first 5 months! How awesome is that? Sorry, didn't mean to rub it in, but I'm kinda excited 'bout it!
Ever been to Cape May, NJ? A friend of mine goes there on vacation about once a year and really loves it! I would go sometime but I'm kinda poor.
Take care, and I think advice about your CFS/EBV would be best sought out from a doctor.