I had the best day ever today
It started off with my dreams. I had two of them, both of which seemed to happen on a different day in the dream world... (kinda like irl, Date #1 and Date #2) ... and things were more than golden. I can't wait to actually relive them irl
I got woken up, or woke up on my own, at 6am... and fell back asleep 15 minutes later... into Date #2...
... both times, I woke up smiling like crazy, and have been smiling all day
even work went really well. At the end of the day, I sold 7 suits which is crazy because its on a wednesday and one is lucky to get 2 in a day (4-5 on a Saturday). This makes me want to play guitar which I will tomorrow, all day
I'm really itching to write something.. either lyrically or melodically.
The Joy.

It started off with my dreams. I had two of them, both of which seemed to happen on a different day in the dream world... (kinda like irl, Date #1 and Date #2) ... and things were more than golden. I can't wait to actually relive them irl

The Joy.

Next time remember bros before hoes.
Glad you got your balls back, bro.
I'm glad to hear your feeling well.
get down on that billy talent, sir!
lol, jk.
I don't care but I would like to hear whatever you conjure up. :]