Really great song, which I wanna learn to play. I have most of it figured out, to play it is the trick

For what?
I've started to sell off a lot of gold off my accounts in WoW.... almost 76,000g to be more accurate.... with another 46,000g on the way. With the high demand of gold, these days, I honestly cannot go wrong. I haven't started my Alliance twink yet... but I'm pretty sure I'll make it on the Eonar server.
I leave you guys with a really funny search result from google. Link
The Joy.
I love Sheena very very much<3333
goes to show you people who play WoW don't get laid.
just sayin.
i mean, if you stopped playing WoW and you got laid(by me, which SO definitely counts) and now you are home and playing and you aren't getting laid....see the math all adds up.
Gamer sexytimes iz teh awesummmmz
It's sentences like that which made me think you were a real life gold farmer.