Saturday Mar 31, 2007 Mar 31, 2007 0 Facebook Tweet Email LEMAGEDDON......... IT HAS BEGUN!!! VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS lorensoth: My Rogue can beat your Rogue /flex Apr 2, 2007 lorensoth: What server are you on /glare lol Anyway Im just fucking around, I dont PvP much and if I do its usually because I see a Gnome Mage and feel an unstopable urge to kill them. Being a fellow Rogue Im sure you have seen World of RogueCraft Pretty much shows you exactally how to kill anyone Apr 2, 2007
lol Anyway Im just fucking around, I dont PvP much and if I do its usually because I see a Gnome Mage and feel an unstopable urge to kill them.
Being a fellow Rogue Im sure you have seen World of RogueCraft
Pretty much shows you exactally how to kill anyone