I try not to be one to moan...however at the moment I wish to curl up into a ball and hide. Such the woes of becoming an organised and self-reliant adult! OVERRATED! (At the moment) Work sucks ass and so do the people that work there, with an exception for one or two. But i have to try and work all hours god sends because student finance HATE ME! So trying to work all hours, attend uni and actually do uni work. So far is not working! Baaaahhh!
All i want is a simple life, nothing too complicated or taxing. However right now...I'm not getting that. 3 years back in the UK is going to be enough by the time i come to finish uni and i'm now considering leaving to go back abroad at the end of it. The UK is poison, along with all its systems and its people!

I try not to be one to moan...however at the moment I wish to curl up into a ball and hide. Such the woes of becoming an organised and self-reliant adult! OVERRATED! (At the moment) Work sucks ass and so do the people that work there, with an exception for one or two. But i have to try and work all hours god sends because student finance HATE ME! So trying to work all hours, attend uni and actually do uni work. So far is not working! Baaaahhh!
All i want is a simple life, nothing too complicated or taxing. However right now...I'm not getting that. 3 years back in the UK is going to be enough by the time i come to finish uni and i'm now considering leaving to go back abroad at the end of it. The UK is poison, along with all its systems and its people!