I was reading an article in the pub with my good friend Gary. Noticing an article which I found quite interestinghear me out
Titled the "Faceless Society", it looks into the ways in which we communicate as a society mainly via technology with no actual interaction on a personal level.
"Instead of drawing us closer, is this technology having an increasingly isolating and depersonalising effect on us?"
1. Instead of sending an email could you have just rang them or gone round and actually took the time to speak to someone in person instead of over the internet?
2. Would it have been more thoughtful to wish someone happy birthday or congratulations by sending a card instead of a message.
3. Typed something angry, something that you would have never said in person but feel confident enough to say on the internet?
There are loads of other examples
I think it is having an increasing affect on today's society, hence why I have created this group, its open for discussionyour thoughts.
I for one am effected! Are you?
Intriguing thoughts.
i thought as much...