crikey! a position wthin those SG's who are the chosen favorite's o' mine has become vacant. Who o who shall i find to fill this emptiness?
i shall go to the cinema tonight. and whence i return perhaps a solution will present itself.
I must confess my taste of entertainment for tonight doth bring a cloud of shame upon my brow, i am attracted, nay! drawn against my will to the spectle of japanese youths who shall upon the shimmering screen bring their horseless carraiges, painted upon with bright colors shimmering with reflection of the night's fancy, towards a place where inertia meets traction and is the immidiate victor, claiming its championship with a mighty scream and belch of smoke. "Tokyo Drift" is the title of my nights distraction and i shall enjoy it, I care not if the dialogue be corny!, If the plot be cliche!, Verily i ask that it be so! I call out like a newborn his mothers teet, for newly born thespians from other occupations, should it be modeling or the rap musician. Bring out your worst oh hollywood magicians so that i may mock whilst contrarely pay for it's shiny fury.
i shall go to the cinema tonight. and whence i return perhaps a solution will present itself.
I must confess my taste of entertainment for tonight doth bring a cloud of shame upon my brow, i am attracted, nay! drawn against my will to the spectle of japanese youths who shall upon the shimmering screen bring their horseless carraiges, painted upon with bright colors shimmering with reflection of the night's fancy, towards a place where inertia meets traction and is the immidiate victor, claiming its championship with a mighty scream and belch of smoke. "Tokyo Drift" is the title of my nights distraction and i shall enjoy it, I care not if the dialogue be corny!, If the plot be cliche!, Verily i ask that it be so! I call out like a newborn his mothers teet, for newly born thespians from other occupations, should it be modeling or the rap musician. Bring out your worst oh hollywood magicians so that i may mock whilst contrarely pay for it's shiny fury.
Cutting hair tomorrow night, interested?
Tell your brother it will be fun and there shouldn't be a lot of people here. If he doesn't want to come, we should see you Saturday, right?