getting married next week.
it's exciting, bazaar , and kinda cozy.
The lovely, intelligent, talented and sexy kittyla , whom I actually met here is the main reason I've been in lurk mode the past year or two.
but I've been thinking about how much my brief social stint with this site has affected the rest of my life. The chances of my meeting this girl without it are sad to think about.
So a huge thanks goes out to elfin who told me about this place and got me into sgla. you kick ass even if i haven't seen you in forever.
And while I'm at it i should also thank whip (who is now gray

And EricAllen, who posted a porn star karaoke event and after only me, kitty, and him showed up he suddenly had someplace else to go. Forcing us two shy kids who had been engaged in telepathic intercourse for weeks to finally say more than 2 words to each other.
a big thanks to all the sgla kids who kept up (and still keep up, i hope) all the debauchery and what not that let us stay stay friendly while my pathetic ass took its sweet time getting the nerve to let this girl know i fancied her.
ok, nuff sappy nostalga for now. good night and thanks again.
it was great seeing you kids tonight. Hope it happens again soon.
[Edited on Dec 10, 2005 2:32AM]