I keep craving processed meat and pickles. what the hell?
no, no im not so stop thinking that. ssshhh!!!
i hand in my resignation in 2 days. its all going so slowly, i just want it over with so i can stop thinking about it
i hate repetitive thought pattens. ick! for those who visit me at work, still do, just turn around and go to the shop with the big pink doors instead
its prettier in there anyway!

today will consist of.....
Pop Tarts - the thing is though, i keep burning them
how do you cook them? toaster or grill? im guessing grill as i keep finding myself digging the remains out of the toaster with a knife.
Cookies! - baked by me. yes they're "special" and they're YUM!

Video Games on the Wii - Resident Evil and Pikmin, possibly Zelda.
......and alot of sweet fuck all
i watched a fantasic foreign film the other day

i highly recommend!

my dog Nacho has this terrible new habit of stealing. every time my boy and i are having sex he sneaks in the room, takes a piece of clothing and eats a hole in it. without fail. every time. he's now banished to outdoors when things get hot and heavy. little shit!

he's terribly cute though, even if the entire world sticks to him
i finally opened up a store in Etsy for my Monsters
I have a few up for sale now, so have a squizz if you get a sec
Squizz Right Here

im one month short of celebrating my 2 year anniversary with my boy
i feel asthough we've only been together a short while because the spark is still there, but asthough ive known him all my life. i still get these all the time.........just know im thankful for you x

love biscuits

ive just started watching a tv series called Breaking Bad. WOAH!! anything that has an opening scene which invloves the desert, a bus, an oxygen mask, underwear and a meth lab has definately got my attention. pretty interesting so far

well i guess id better be getting my day of fuck-all-ness underway!! there is fuck-all-ness to be had!!
BUT!!! before i go, i must say that you need to all go and have a look at this piece of loveliness. not just because she's a good friend of mine, but because she's beautiful and one of the sweetest girls you'd ever meet. TRULY!
Ghost ~ Tea Break

and some shameless self promotion. just cause its been awhile....
Lelaina ~ The Voyeur

have a perve and enjoy yourselves!! go on, why not!?!

~ Lelaina xx

i hand in my resignation in 2 days. its all going so slowly, i just want it over with so i can stop thinking about it


today will consist of.....
Pop Tarts - the thing is though, i keep burning them

Cookies! - baked by me. yes they're "special" and they're YUM!

Video Games on the Wii - Resident Evil and Pikmin, possibly Zelda.
......and alot of sweet fuck all

i watched a fantasic foreign film the other day

i highly recommend!

my dog Nacho has this terrible new habit of stealing. every time my boy and i are having sex he sneaks in the room, takes a piece of clothing and eats a hole in it. without fail. every time. he's now banished to outdoors when things get hot and heavy. little shit!

he's terribly cute though, even if the entire world sticks to him

i finally opened up a store in Etsy for my Monsters

Squizz Right Here

im one month short of celebrating my 2 year anniversary with my boy

love biscuits

ive just started watching a tv series called Breaking Bad. WOAH!! anything that has an opening scene which invloves the desert, a bus, an oxygen mask, underwear and a meth lab has definately got my attention. pretty interesting so far

well i guess id better be getting my day of fuck-all-ness underway!! there is fuck-all-ness to be had!!

Ghost ~ Tea Break

and some shameless self promotion. just cause its been awhile....
Lelaina ~ The Voyeur

have a perve and enjoy yourselves!! go on, why not!?!

~ Lelaina xx


SGAU QLD DUSK TO DAWN PUB CRAWL, love to see you there