*skips along singing*
~4 weeks until holidays~
~4 weeks until holidays~
~la la la la la laaaa~

its been a year since i went to Africa. well, almost. it feels like it too. i need this holiday. i cant fucking wait. road trip
woohoo! just me, the boy, the open road, a joint or two and no doubt some weird and wonderful happenings. an entire month. no work, no stress. an entire month
bliss! when i get back ill be starting a new job. work doesnt know it yet, but im resigning in 2 weeks. this makes me kind of nervous. ive been there 3 years, but another retailer has been after me for quite sometime now, but i keep stalling. they've offered me better than what im on now, better hours, better money, better conditions, so i guess its time. thing is, i really dont like change. ill get over it. it just makes me nervous. anyway. shhh! my work doesnt know yet. 2 more weeks....
i saw Bruno the other week. made Borat look quite tame i thought. yes, i loved it, though the last scene, where they are in the cage, (STOP READING NOW IF YOU HAVENT SEEN THE FILM BUT ARE PLANNING TO.) was a little disturbing. if that were 2 girls or a heterosexual couple, do you think the audience would have acted like animals? that guy who kept whacking himself in the head made me want to
OK! music news hehe i got my hands on this....

she's hot, the music is hot, we should all make out. TA DA!!
have a squizz if you dont believe me
♥ Brody Dalle
huh? oh yeah i was talking *coughs* sorry where was i? ummmm i cut all my hair off
its short, like it was half was down my back and now its really not! its up near my jaw. MUCH BETTER!! never had long hair before. it sucks. least i can say i tried it. not for me.
(its a carnival thingy in case you're unsure as to what im on about
QUESTION TO ALL YOU AMERICANS OUT THERE!!!! what is a Smore? i know it has something to do with a Marshmallow, but when does it become a Smore? when its cooked? where does the name come from?? its such an icky name, i think its too close to a sore

all white marshmallows
well its my day off so im im running away to play now. ive got a new best friend. his name is iphone
ill try to say hello again before my big adventure
hope everyone is having a good time. see you soon.

~ Lelaina xx
~4 weeks until holidays~
~4 weeks until holidays~
~la la la la la laaaa~

its been a year since i went to Africa. well, almost. it feels like it too. i need this holiday. i cant fucking wait. road trip

i saw Bruno the other week. made Borat look quite tame i thought. yes, i loved it, though the last scene, where they are in the cage, (STOP READING NOW IF YOU HAVENT SEEN THE FILM BUT ARE PLANNING TO.) was a little disturbing. if that were 2 girls or a heterosexual couple, do you think the audience would have acted like animals? that guy who kept whacking himself in the head made me want to

OK! music news hehe i got my hands on this....

she's hot, the music is hot, we should all make out. TA DA!!
have a squizz if you dont believe me

♥ Brody Dalle

huh? oh yeah i was talking *coughs* sorry where was i? ummmm i cut all my hair off


QUESTION TO ALL YOU AMERICANS OUT THERE!!!! what is a Smore? i know it has something to do with a Marshmallow, but when does it become a Smore? when its cooked? where does the name come from?? its such an icky name, i think its too close to a sore


all white marshmallows

well its my day off so im im running away to play now. ive got a new best friend. his name is iphone


~ Lelaina xx
ooh roadtrip! soooo jealous... you'll have an awesome time
and you've made me realise i need to get that new spinnerette CD.