*peaks out from behind the curtains*
its been awhile *waves* so how's things?
life in the shoes of me has been absolutely fucking fabulous lately. i have nothing what-so-ever to complain about, especially not the weather. why? cause its finally winter!!
well, its finally a Queensland winter, so its not exactly freezing, but its not the revolting summer we have here, so im full of energy, happy, bouncy and out and about more than usual. yay! i love this time of year.
so what have i been doing? well, ive been to a couple of gigs, one being Lily Allen. It was ok. I think it would have been better if i hadnt been so trashy the night before with my closest of friends, celebrating Freddie Mercury as it was the Queens birthday. wrong Queen? who cares
anyway, Lily was good, not exactly the showman (woman), but she's awfully cute
shame she ended the concert with Brittney Spears, i wont elaborate.
then there was Pink *insert sexual groaning sound here* wow
what a performer! i cant say i love her tunes, but when you're there, watching her, she could be singing anything and its wonderful. even if you're not a fan, go. its something to be seen!!

i bought a Marilyn Manson ticket the other day. his latest album was a huge step up from "Eat Me, Drink Me", im guessing thats due to the fact that Twiggy is back on board. regardless, watching him live is total eye candy. the man does it for me. im sold.
so at 33 years young, i got my first cancer. skin cancer. not something that may turn bad in the future. cancer. a tiny little spot that needed to be removed. so 7 sticthes later it was...

and people wonder why i dislike summer and the sun so much....
look i flew a kite!!

this made me really happy
my boy and i went away to the magical island that is Stradbroke. that place just makes me feel so blissful. im heading over again in the next few weeks. there arent any other places around that give me that same peaceful feeling. except maybe this place....
can i please make the most fantastic annoucement, hang on, that needs to be in bold....
CAN I PLEASE MAKE THE FANTASTIC, EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT!!! that my boy Boombambi and i have purchased 50 acres of land on the beautiful Mount Tamborine

this is where we plan on buliding our dream house and living a magical, funfilled life together
*bounce bounce* im so looking forward to moving out of the city and having a little more peace in my life. just being me is chaotic enough! its only 45 mins from the city, so if i get any withdrawls, its not far away. plus its only 25 mins to the Gold Coast, so i have the best of both worlds, plus im living in the mountains!!
i can finally be a hippie 
well i think thats enough from me for now. Nacho and i are off to go walking on this lovely grey chilly day. know what i love about winter?? hoodies!!

i may not look happy hehe but i promise i am!! so cosy. yum!!
hope eveyone is great, if not i hope you are feeling yay soon

over and out!!

~ Lelaina xx

life in the shoes of me has been absolutely fucking fabulous lately. i have nothing what-so-ever to complain about, especially not the weather. why? cause its finally winter!!

so what have i been doing? well, ive been to a couple of gigs, one being Lily Allen. It was ok. I think it would have been better if i hadnt been so trashy the night before with my closest of friends, celebrating Freddie Mercury as it was the Queens birthday. wrong Queen? who cares

then there was Pink *insert sexual groaning sound here* wow

i bought a Marilyn Manson ticket the other day. his latest album was a huge step up from "Eat Me, Drink Me", im guessing thats due to the fact that Twiggy is back on board. regardless, watching him live is total eye candy. the man does it for me. im sold.
so at 33 years young, i got my first cancer. skin cancer. not something that may turn bad in the future. cancer. a tiny little spot that needed to be removed. so 7 sticthes later it was...

and people wonder why i dislike summer and the sun so much....
look i flew a kite!!

this made me really happy

can i please make the most fantastic annoucement, hang on, that needs to be in bold....
CAN I PLEASE MAKE THE FANTASTIC, EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT!!! that my boy Boombambi and i have purchased 50 acres of land on the beautiful Mount Tamborine

this is where we plan on buliding our dream house and living a magical, funfilled life together

well i think thats enough from me for now. Nacho and i are off to go walking on this lovely grey chilly day. know what i love about winter?? hoodies!!

i may not look happy hehe but i promise i am!! so cosy. yum!!

hope eveyone is great, if not i hope you are feeling yay soon

over and out!!

~ Lelaina xx
its like you make people, design how they look and their personality and control their life hehe its great!!
how have you been my dear! long time no see