so....i was without internet for about a month. did i miss it? yeah at first, alot! but then something shifted, i was thrown back into the 90's/80's (??) pfft i cant remember..........and went back to things like reading, taking the dog for a walk, video games & dare i say i kinda liked it there, so i stayed awhile
speaking of reading, this is what im soaking my mind in at the moment

when i read "one of the filthiest memoirs ever written" i knew it would be of interest.
and tv? well, that would be this...

The L Word. how much does this show make you want to fool around with some hot girls?!
also in this heading called "life", im to tell you that my housemate moved out. im now living on my own and loving it. i hate clothes around the house. so im very happy and naked these days. my boy moves in soon(ish), this also makes me very. very smiley pfft! i wont bore you
my favourite thing to talk about
there are so many festivals touring around this city at the moment, there's so much to choose from IF you like dance music...........this is not me, but i have had the chance to see some interesting bands of late and will do in the near future.
i went to the Hear & Now Festival (all Aussie bands) it was ok, i really enjoyed seeing Regurgitator after all these years. Spiderbait were terribly boring and even though im not a big dance music fan, Pnau were very entertaining. or maybe it was the drugs and the live fruit bouncing around and nearly falling off the stage
believe it or not (and sorry if you're under 30, you may not know who im talking about) i went and saw Howard Jones last week. 80s synth in full swing!! i absolutely fucking adored this night. im so glad im getting to see some of the bands/musicians i loved as a child, i still havent been as impressed by music as i was in the 80s. its a love affair really

"like to get to know you well"
i met him, but his manager wouldnt let me take a picture
so i have a signed ticket, ill put it with my Red Hot Chili Peppers beer bottle hehe
over the next few months im going to Mindless Self Indulgence and i think ive almost convinced myself to go to Vfestival now that ive heard The Human League and Madness have joined the lineup
i wish i was going to Soundwave just to see Alice In Chains.
i wish i was going to Gary Numan *sighs*
as for albums, i just bought this...

so terribly cute, this girl has my vote
well this goes without saying, im the happiest ive been in ummmmm i guess you could say ever. things are pretty calm in my life. if you know me, the word "calm" does not spring to mind. i still do things at a million miles per hour, but my head is calmer, it makes sense to me
im loving the fact that its mid febuary. another hot month almost over. we're slowly getting closer to the pleasant time of year
im loving BANANAS!!

im loving Nacho and his crazy afro

i love getting hand picked flowers from pretty boys....

and plastic heart rings from pretty asian girls

im loving most things these days
*bounce bounce bounce* weeeeeeeeeeee!
so have i missed anything super-fucking-fantastic?
how was your Valentines Day?
my boy took me to the Drive-In, we ate dodgy food and a billion year old musk lollies that tasted like soap. but regardless it was love filled and fun

The End
well its my day off so im going to play now, i think Yoshi's Island is calling me, or maybe the L word, yay i love having no plans for the day, this never happens. one thing i do have planned though, is to stay inside this airconditioned igloo of a house, look outside to the overcast, humid day and pretend that its winter
oh, and be naked.
~ Lelaina xx

so....i was without internet for about a month. did i miss it? yeah at first, alot! but then something shifted, i was thrown back into the 90's/80's (??) pfft i cant remember..........and went back to things like reading, taking the dog for a walk, video games & dare i say i kinda liked it there, so i stayed awhile

speaking of reading, this is what im soaking my mind in at the moment

when i read "one of the filthiest memoirs ever written" i knew it would be of interest.
and tv? well, that would be this...

The L Word. how much does this show make you want to fool around with some hot girls?!

also in this heading called "life", im to tell you that my housemate moved out. im now living on my own and loving it. i hate clothes around the house. so im very happy and naked these days. my boy moves in soon(ish), this also makes me very. very smiley pfft! i wont bore you

my favourite thing to talk about

there are so many festivals touring around this city at the moment, there's so much to choose from IF you like dance music...........this is not me, but i have had the chance to see some interesting bands of late and will do in the near future.
i went to the Hear & Now Festival (all Aussie bands) it was ok, i really enjoyed seeing Regurgitator after all these years. Spiderbait were terribly boring and even though im not a big dance music fan, Pnau were very entertaining. or maybe it was the drugs and the live fruit bouncing around and nearly falling off the stage

believe it or not (and sorry if you're under 30, you may not know who im talking about) i went and saw Howard Jones last week. 80s synth in full swing!! i absolutely fucking adored this night. im so glad im getting to see some of the bands/musicians i loved as a child, i still havent been as impressed by music as i was in the 80s. its a love affair really

"like to get to know you well"
i met him, but his manager wouldnt let me take a picture

over the next few months im going to Mindless Self Indulgence and i think ive almost convinced myself to go to Vfestival now that ive heard The Human League and Madness have joined the lineup

i wish i was going to Soundwave just to see Alice In Chains.
i wish i was going to Gary Numan *sighs*
as for albums, i just bought this...

so terribly cute, this girl has my vote

well this goes without saying, im the happiest ive been in ummmmm i guess you could say ever. things are pretty calm in my life. if you know me, the word "calm" does not spring to mind. i still do things at a million miles per hour, but my head is calmer, it makes sense to me

im loving the fact that its mid febuary. another hot month almost over. we're slowly getting closer to the pleasant time of year

im loving BANANAS!!

im loving Nacho and his crazy afro

i love getting hand picked flowers from pretty boys....

and plastic heart rings from pretty asian girls

im loving most things these days

so have i missed anything super-fucking-fantastic?

how was your Valentines Day?
my boy took me to the Drive-In, we ate dodgy food and a billion year old musk lollies that tasted like soap. but regardless it was love filled and fun

The End
well its my day off so im going to play now, i think Yoshi's Island is calling me, or maybe the L word, yay i love having no plans for the day, this never happens. one thing i do have planned though, is to stay inside this airconditioned igloo of a house, look outside to the overcast, humid day and pretend that its winter

~ Lelaina xx

i have been on one... they are pretty awesome, but i have to crawl out to it so my head doesnt get chopped off
hope the rest of your day was super!
Blue cheese...urgh, no thanks!
As for sports, meh, I'm too clumsy to ever have done any, so totally lost interest in it.