christmas was yum. my boy and i managed to swing the entire day to ourselves. didnt even get out of (or into i should say) our pyjamas

guess what i got!!??

new years was good. i had half a trip and played Mario Kart for 4 hours straight fantastic!!
whilst im sitting here mozzies are biting my feet!!! little bastards. i cant wait till summer is over. i cant see what good comes from it. heat, bugs, sweat, sunburn, airconditioning bills, the constant high pitched sound of crickets, the cricket, stinky people, humidity, feeling zapped of energy. the list could go on, but im depressing myself....
anyhooooooo!! i watched The Mighty Boosh Live dvd on the weekend. love!!
so funny, so fucking random. i love people with bent minds like that
im also watching the first Season of Dexter and i finished the first season of Weeds. i love both, i just hope Dexter gets a little more twisted, as cop shows just bore me. im sure it will
i have to say im slipping back towards being uninspired again. im happy with me and most of the things going on around me, but my job bores me. all jobs after awhile bore me. i last about 2 years then i feel like a rat in a cage. whatever happened to the dream of being a rockstar....
im having some trouble with a girlfriend of mine. i dont wish to go into details, but i do need to say that i find female friends very hard work. nothing against you girls out there, but ive always found relationships with women tough and/or exhausting. maybe its from my trying relationship ive had with my mother since i was a teenager (thats awhile ago now), i love her, but please dont let me turn out like her. i mean no disrespect, but she is not what i wish to be like. i find the trust issue with women is hard and understanding their motives. i thought id made a friend, turns out she's shit and im done with it.
i said im happy with things right now, but ive managed to tell you that im not happy about a few things. confused?? quite possibly!!
one thing though, im so fucking in love right now so maybe thats making all the bad shit ok?? im am so blessed to have my boy in my life. he is the most incredible being ive ever met. i truly, truly mean that. its a really amazing feeling to have someone in your life who is so wonderful and that loves you for all that you are. THANK YOU!! to the invisible person in the sky or whoever or wherever you may be, if you even be i must have done something right in my life to deserve this. yay
on that note i bid you farewell!! how was all your Christmas' and New Years??
hope everyone is yay and having fun with whatever you're up to. i hope you're all feeling INSPIRED, if so, send some vibes my way please!!
till next time.....
~ Lelaina xx
wait... you have Valentine's Day Down Under don't ya?