Im trying to learn Dutch. not very well mind you. maybe i need those tapes or sorry, cds. i really am having trouble with pronouncing words that have 5 letters together which none are vowels

i went to a cupcake parlour today

too many choices

take aways

my strawberry piece of yumminess

The Cupcake Parlour
i just had my first gym class. after procrastinating for 3 years i finally decided to take the plunge. i loved it!! but im sure tomorrow im going to hurt. but yay for me

for something random??
i have a crush. this woman makes me feel like i am no longer attracted to men....
i listened to her new album, im not much of a "pop" fan, but its pretty cool. actually its kinda great
ive been working my butt off as manager for the past few weeks, thats now over YIPEE!! more time to be creative, less time for customers. a man came in the other day (who looked like your typical truck driver) and asked if he could try on these fabulous silver sparkly heels. good on him. they didnt fit, but you have to commend a guy who can come into a place like my store (its pretty corporate/in a fancy building) and put up with bitchy old woman standing almost on top of him starring. how rude of them. i had to snigger, i like when people push boundaries
i havent shown you my pushy!! im so happy with it. it even has the word "Pantera" written on the side hehe
for those who were offended by the above topic, here's something cute
i have to say, im just so happy right now. everything just seems to be going well with every aspect of my life, and im more in love than ever i cant wait till we play house, not long now *waits kinda patiently* hopefully by the end of year......
so i guess thats it. sorry ive not been around as much as usual, just life is hectic, yet fun and filled with smiles
hope everyone is happy, if not, i hope you're smiling soon!!
~ Lelaina xx
johnnny depp as mad hatter!!!