my tummy bug turns out to be pancreatitis. i guess i can at least be thankful i dont have malaria. ive been told to eat rice bubbles for 4 days. rice bubbles?? how do you get full on rice bubbles??
i think ive eaten too much sugar and partied way too hard in my 33 years, my pancreas is pretty shoddy. ah well, at least i can say ive had fun 
so.....ive made an album with some of my Africa Pics. i have almost 2000 photos, so just put in 50 to give you a bit of an idea. it really is a surreal place to travel. i love the vibe it gives off. things just feel real. there is so much sky to be seen!! soooo much sky. you dont realise how much sky is chopped out by trees and buildings and power poles, until you are somewhere where there is nothing but flat land. it really is impressive. well, it is to me


small towns in Tanzania

have a look at one of the rooms we stayed in

we travelled in many of these light aircrafts. i really didnt take to it

this is a Masaii village (quite a large one too)

now a brief overview of the animals

Mr Warthog, always busy running....kinda like the white rabbitt!

Hippos! we stayed on a Hippo river. god they are so noisy!! they sound like they're laughing. LOUDLY

a mummy Elephant walking out in front of our jeep

the elegant Giraffe

a Vervet Monkey

a Baboon

ok, lets just stop a second. whilst we are on the topic of monkeys, ill tell you what happened. (please note that last time i went to Africa i had 2 incidents with these little shits, this time, just like the last, they happened again).....
firstly, a Vervet Moneky (see above) made its way into our bathroom. we get home and suprise this little guy so much so, that he throws himself into a glass window, only to be bounced back across the bathroom floor in a tumble. he goes for it again and SMASH! he flies straight through the glass
oh, and he left us a poo on the rug 
secondly, a Baboon (i really dont like these guys), actually i should say Baboonsss ransacked our tent. badly too. shit everywhere, my pyjamas were 20 metres from the tent, they went through my suitcase, smashed everything. grrrrr, after one jumped into my car last time i have a serious distaste for these guys *shakes fist in fury*
ok, next.....
the Lioness after a feed of Wilderbeast

the handsome Lion

lover Lions

fooling around


a mother and cub

the Vultures. by far the most interesting animals to watch. its so evil is brilliant!!

flies having sex??

me with a baby (yes baby) ostrich

Boombambi on a camel

there are more pics of Cheetah, Leopard, Rhino, Hyena but im not going to post them all here. im trying to sympathise for those who have slow internet connection. m'eh!
ill add to the folder as i go through them more thoroughly.
i also went to Dubai, all i can say is wow. that place is like (as Boombambi said) "being in the future". they have so much money they dont know what to do with it. so, they end up with ski fields in the middle of their shopping centres
so overall my trip was brilliant. its a shame i was sick for half of it, but i tried my best not to let it get me down. back to work on Monday. back to the same old, same old. ill have to start planning something for myself again soon as this girl has a tendency to get a little bored....
whilst i was away i read this book. girls?? read it. its brilliant

im also quite addicted to this show

i found my new toy!!
hopefully ill buy her tomorrow

well, i must say as much i as love travelling this world, it is nice to be home
hope you're all happy and being yay.
smiles n' strawberries!

~ Lelaina xx

so.....ive made an album with some of my Africa Pics. i have almost 2000 photos, so just put in 50 to give you a bit of an idea. it really is a surreal place to travel. i love the vibe it gives off. things just feel real. there is so much sky to be seen!! soooo much sky. you dont realise how much sky is chopped out by trees and buildings and power poles, until you are somewhere where there is nothing but flat land. it really is impressive. well, it is to me


small towns in Tanzania

have a look at one of the rooms we stayed in

we travelled in many of these light aircrafts. i really didnt take to it

this is a Masaii village (quite a large one too)

now a brief overview of the animals

Mr Warthog, always busy running....kinda like the white rabbitt!

Hippos! we stayed on a Hippo river. god they are so noisy!! they sound like they're laughing. LOUDLY

a mummy Elephant walking out in front of our jeep

the elegant Giraffe

a Vervet Monkey

a Baboon

ok, lets just stop a second. whilst we are on the topic of monkeys, ill tell you what happened. (please note that last time i went to Africa i had 2 incidents with these little shits, this time, just like the last, they happened again).....
firstly, a Vervet Moneky (see above) made its way into our bathroom. we get home and suprise this little guy so much so, that he throws himself into a glass window, only to be bounced back across the bathroom floor in a tumble. he goes for it again and SMASH! he flies straight through the glass

secondly, a Baboon (i really dont like these guys), actually i should say Baboonsss ransacked our tent. badly too. shit everywhere, my pyjamas were 20 metres from the tent, they went through my suitcase, smashed everything. grrrrr, after one jumped into my car last time i have a serious distaste for these guys *shakes fist in fury*
ok, next.....
the Lioness after a feed of Wilderbeast

the handsome Lion

lover Lions

fooling around


a mother and cub

the Vultures. by far the most interesting animals to watch. its so evil is brilliant!!

flies having sex??

me with a baby (yes baby) ostrich

Boombambi on a camel

there are more pics of Cheetah, Leopard, Rhino, Hyena but im not going to post them all here. im trying to sympathise for those who have slow internet connection. m'eh!

i also went to Dubai, all i can say is wow. that place is like (as Boombambi said) "being in the future". they have so much money they dont know what to do with it. so, they end up with ski fields in the middle of their shopping centres

so overall my trip was brilliant. its a shame i was sick for half of it, but i tried my best not to let it get me down. back to work on Monday. back to the same old, same old. ill have to start planning something for myself again soon as this girl has a tendency to get a little bored....
whilst i was away i read this book. girls?? read it. its brilliant

im also quite addicted to this show

i found my new toy!!

well, i must say as much i as love travelling this world, it is nice to be home

smiles n' strawberries!

~ Lelaina xx

we are already planning to go back again soon.
how have you been honey? lets do something soon when we both arent busy? a dinner maybe.