Happiness is.....
~ love
~ smiles from strangers
~ being greeted by my dog
~ bubble tea
~ watching my boy play video games
~ waking up to the sound of rain
~ a day off
~ bunnies
~ my old ball friends
~ bouncing
~ walks at twilight
~ my snuggly doona
~ my flowers
~ holding hands
~ being me
5 sleeps to go. i have never felt so excited about a holiday before. im going to Africa. the place that i love to travel most, its really like nothing else you've seen. thing i love most, there are no phones, no tv, no internet no nothing!! it forces you to relax and the days are so much longer *sighs* i cannot wait
i grew some flowers
they're so pretty
today was beautiful. i stayed out late last night drinking champagne and listening to Bob Dylan with a beautiful friend of mine. this morning i woke at 9am as the rain was so loud. i woke up, smiled at the rain, rolled over and went back to sleep. its the best feeling knowing you dont have anything to do. i very rarely get bored, only if im doing something that is actually boring.
so i got up at midday, went into the Valley to meet my boy, we ate, we kissed, we killed some time. then his work dargged him away from me, so i went back home to have a lounge about in my spa. then my housemate came home, we went to the pub, had a feed, now im looking at my big comfy bed again. what a fabulously lazy day!! they are so few and far between, i should plan days of nothing more often. i wish i could make it rain on queue though. bliss!!
ive made an executive decsion. when i get back from overseas, im changing jobs. its been 2 years that ive been where i am, i think this girl needs something new
its kinda scary, im not much of a job hopper, but i know that i need change.
well, im off to bed, this weather is just so yummy, i need to be snuggly!!
goodnight xx

~ love
~ smiles from strangers
~ being greeted by my dog
~ bubble tea
~ watching my boy play video games
~ waking up to the sound of rain
~ a day off
~ bunnies
~ my old ball friends
~ bouncing
~ walks at twilight
~ my snuggly doona
~ my flowers
~ holding hands
~ being me

5 sleeps to go. i have never felt so excited about a holiday before. im going to Africa. the place that i love to travel most, its really like nothing else you've seen. thing i love most, there are no phones, no tv, no internet no nothing!! it forces you to relax and the days are so much longer *sighs* i cannot wait

i grew some flowers

today was beautiful. i stayed out late last night drinking champagne and listening to Bob Dylan with a beautiful friend of mine. this morning i woke at 9am as the rain was so loud. i woke up, smiled at the rain, rolled over and went back to sleep. its the best feeling knowing you dont have anything to do. i very rarely get bored, only if im doing something that is actually boring.
so i got up at midday, went into the Valley to meet my boy, we ate, we kissed, we killed some time. then his work dargged him away from me, so i went back home to have a lounge about in my spa. then my housemate came home, we went to the pub, had a feed, now im looking at my big comfy bed again. what a fabulously lazy day!! they are so few and far between, i should plan days of nothing more often. i wish i could make it rain on queue though. bliss!!

ive made an executive decsion. when i get back from overseas, im changing jobs. its been 2 years that ive been where i am, i think this girl needs something new

well, im off to bed, this weather is just so yummy, i need to be snuggly!!

goodnight xx

Afirca - awesome! I wana go on a safari and see a Lion in the wild - that would be awesome!
were abouts in Africa are you going?
take care