ugh! a photographer wanted to shoot me today, (not for SG) she picked the theme, the date, the place and the time. ive been up since 7am dealing wiht false eyelashes and outfits as requested. the shoot was to be at midday. i get there. no answer. i wait awhile. nothing. half and hour later i thump on the door just incase she cant hear me and a half naked boy stumbles out. "is ***** there?" i ask. boy scratches head. "hang on"......
a different boy stumbles out.
"is ***** there??" i ask
boy number 2 sctraches head "er....." walks away
out stumbles a girl half asleep. "oh shit! is it today??"
"well yeah i messaged you yesterday and you did pick the date"
she hugs me (???)
"i thought it was next tues!!"
"can we reschedule??"
i look at the big satanic Slayer flag hanging in the window and im really not sure what my answer is.
"here's my number, call me"
metal would never put me off, but satanic flags hanging up as curtains?? hmmmmm rewind 10 years and i guess it all makes sense. *thinks back to the Manson posters once hung in windows* hehe
so im all prettied up with nowhere to go
ho-hum. i actually think i interrupted a threesome. yay for me!!

my new arrival. i really like this one. his name is RAWR!! im really enjoying creating these guys

happy anniversay to me!!
its been 4 years since ive been on this site. August 2004 is when i joined. so much has changed, not all for the better, most my good friends have left or just lost the love and dont come here much. alot of my favourite SG's are grey. but im still here. something keeps bringing me back. i think its things like these......
JenniRae my absolute favourite who hasnt updated in forever

Fractal & Sicily this is my favourite picture ever on this site. so. fucking. hot.

Squeak the always delightfully colourful lady

Zui the rock n' roll child

Jessika (just come back from being archived yay!!)

Valentina (archived)

and then there's me of course!!

a different boy stumbles out.
"is ***** there??" i ask
boy number 2 sctraches head "er....." walks away
out stumbles a girl half asleep. "oh shit! is it today??"
"well yeah i messaged you yesterday and you did pick the date"
she hugs me (???)

"i thought it was next tues!!"
"can we reschedule??"
i look at the big satanic Slayer flag hanging in the window and im really not sure what my answer is.
"here's my number, call me"

metal would never put me off, but satanic flags hanging up as curtains?? hmmmmm rewind 10 years and i guess it all makes sense. *thinks back to the Manson posters once hung in windows* hehe
so im all prettied up with nowhere to go


my new arrival. i really like this one. his name is RAWR!! im really enjoying creating these guys

happy anniversay to me!!
its been 4 years since ive been on this site. August 2004 is when i joined. so much has changed, not all for the better, most my good friends have left or just lost the love and dont come here much. alot of my favourite SG's are grey. but im still here. something keeps bringing me back. i think its things like these......
JenniRae my absolute favourite who hasnt updated in forever

Fractal & Sicily this is my favourite picture ever on this site. so. fucking. hot.

Squeak the always delightfully colourful lady

Zui the rock n' roll child

Jessika (just come back from being archived yay!!)

Valentina (archived)

and then there's me of course!!

so what to do now?? hmmmmmm think ill finally go and see Batman. i think im the only person in the cosmos who hasnt seen it yet!!
oh! i went to a wedding on the weekend. my boy and i didnt know anyone but the bride and were seated at the reception next to a midget!! so exciting um, and i caught the bouquet too
what a fun night we had. i love dressing up and having fun with my loved one/partner in crime, what i call him depends on the day really
hearts to you, i hope things are just apples wherever you may be.
and remember, be nice to one another
over and out!!
but yes its not the same here any more
and there are a few people that are makign me feel like i dont want to stay/not welcome here any more
but thats another storey
i still havent seen batman