Squeak - Code Blue

now that i have gotten my breath back, i can tell you Lelaina stuff

lets get the boring topic outta the way. work. i think im due for a holiday. i feel great and happy about things, but i think my tone of voice is slipping with the ol' customers. i received a customer complaint. see, i have this issue, that if you talk to me like shit, i will generally be snappy towards you. this is in my personal life anyway, at work, its more, you can hear in the tone of my voice that i think you're an idiot. enough said.
shoes! ok, this time, i got myself some gumboots!! fuck knows when im going to wear them, but ive always wanted a pair, and here they are

i went to Queens Ball on the weekend. i had such a great time

my best friend Emma & I

the place to be

on stage with the Drag Queens

shiny disco balls

Sex & The City was good. ill have to see it again though as i was in Gold Class with my Mum, they kept fucking up the food orders and we ended up with 6 wrong orders, kinda distracting. so yeah, i missed the main part

next is Speed Racer. i read a review that it looks like a crayon explosion hehehe sounds perfect

Melbourne tomorrow!! i cant wait, as tomorrow is meant to be 26 degrees (which is soooo not winter) so im hoping to get a good dose of the cold whilst im there. snuggles

randomness!! sorry if you're left a little confused

er.........i just heard that Def Leppard are touring!?! they are the only one out of my top Hair Metal bands that im yet to see. hmmmmmm *ponders* spandex anyone??
really though, they were more ripped up denim werent they, maybe thats why they werent my favourite. i just lurve the spandex!!
so who's free the 1st of July to come play?? yeah its a tues but we'll still have fun. promise
so which band/solo artist do you wish you got a chance to see or hope to see in the future??
this is the one act i missed out on.....Queen
well id best start packing for my 48hour adventure with my partner in crime!!
hope everyone is smiling, till next time,
it is soo soo good you would love it!