im loving this weather

you see, here where i live, its not exactly winter, not as other places know it, so its really nice to not be sweating and struggling to breathe cause the humidity is 90%, this is the time of year that i love

can you believe that scrunchies and stone wash are back in?? i refuse to re-live being 15. yes, i said 15
thought id put up my first semi-nude pics that i posted here when i was a member in 2004
now, for my 2 second rant..........excuse me mister dj, can you please piss off with your remix's, you keep fucking up old tracks that were once good. whacking a beat behind something is just a wank.
thank you
i hope you all have a very yay weekend no matter what you're up to. whatever you're doing, do it well what is it that you're doing anyway?? hmmmmmm *ponders lots of dodgy thoughts*
later lovers xx
this new little big girl is awesome!!!
and that street was really good and had such an amazing atmosphere!!!
By the way, i met a bunch of people from australia, they were really kind and friendly.... even though there was one who was hated by everyone!
ive always had the hopeful thingy!
did you find out how to see mine and dye's photos?
she uploaded them, so you have to go to them through her page.
or click here ---> Afternoon Delights
let me know what you think. (leave a comment?
anyway how are you? how have you been?
im feeling very positive for 9am on a monday.
how was your weekend?