so so sick and tired of having problems! the last year has been super tough hey, my worst nightmare would be to have to live it all over again. the conclusion has been made that im officially going by the financial year as thats when the crap started last year. so by the end of june all will be yay!
left dublin (i didnt get to see Peachass due to dramas ) out in the mountains in Ireland. Its stunning. I miss home though, and i still think of Monte.
let me know how you guys are doing? i could do with some TLC right now
"anything we love can be saved" - do you think that statement is true? im not sure..............
*virtual hugs*
left dublin (i didnt get to see Peachass due to dramas ) out in the mountains in Ireland. Its stunning. I miss home though, and i still think of Monte.
let me know how you guys are doing? i could do with some TLC right now
"anything we love can be saved" - do you think that statement is true? im not sure..............
*virtual hugs*
why are my ankles so small??
are you getting any of the pictures??? your email sucks balls - i dont think they are going thru to you???